
Thoughts become things


This file is my curated list (based on meeDamian’s list) of all things Tor. It all assumes:

My sites

Here are my own .onion sites

clearnet/name onion address
My Onions mirror http://nlboxqa32a4mja67wgnowska7gsnhyonu6dzry3whd6cba277hkbmcid.onion/
My Blog http://nlboxajljr5boevw3vyfryenhwqs5eehfh5pnbzjlnounrje5wulbnyd.onion/
My Travel Blog http://itinzvrq4nfgard62w7dbcxuhal33c7m5zvsrqwxynkpahkertuy5sad.onion/
UFLabs Site http://uflabsykocgfkhkxo6fq4fzike4cxpq2dhcqsj3kosgprpkc6hva2iid.onion/

Table below contains a list of .onion addresses for some more popular clearnet services.

clearnet/name onion address
Internet Archive http://archivebyd3rzt3ehjpm4c3bjkyxv3hjleiytnvxcn7x32psn2kxcuid.onion/
BBC News https://www.bbcnewsv2vjtpsuy.onion
Blockstream.info http://explorerzydxu5ecjrkwceayqybizmpjjznk5izmitf2modhcusuqlid.onion
DuckDuckGo.com https://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion
Facebook.com https://www.facebookcorewwwi.onion
Keybase.io http://keybase5wmilwokqirssclfnsqrjdsi7jdir5wy7y7iu3tanwmtp6oid.onion
NYTimes.com https://www.nytimes3xbfgragh.onion
ProtonMail.com https://protonirockerxow.onion
ThePirateBay.org http://uj3wazyk5u4hnvtk.onion
WasabiWallet.io http://wasabiukrxmkdgve5kynjztuovbg43uxcbcxn6y2okcrsg7gb6jdmbad.onion
Brave Browser https://brave5t5rjjg3s6k.onion/
ProtonMaikl https://protonmailrmez3lotccipshtkleegetolb73fuirgj7r4o4vfu7ozyd.onion/

Bitcoin Git Repos

Thanks to @laanwj, Bitcoin and some orbiting repos (lnd, c-lightning, eclair, Bitcoin meta stuff) are mirrored as a Tor hidden service at:


While all necessary instructions are on the website above, here’s the tl;dr:

Fresh clone of Bitcoin

git -c http.proxy=socks5h:// clone http://nxshomzlgqmwfwhcnyvbznyrybh3gotlfgis7wkv7iur2yj2rarlhiad.onion/git/bitcoin.git
cd bitcoin
git config --add remote.origin.proxy "socks5h://"

Change origin of lnd to Tor

cd lnd
git remote set-url master http://nxshomzlgqmwfwhcnyvbznyrybh3gotlfgis7wkv7iur2yj2rarlhiad.onion/git/lnd.git
git config --add remote.master.proxy "socks5h://"
git remote add github git@github.com:lightningnetwork/lnd.git


To use hkps://keys.openpgp.org through a hidden service, to ~/.gnupg/gpg.cong file add the following line:

keyserver hkp://zkaan2xfbuxia2wpf7ofnkbz6r5zdbbvxbunvp5g2iebopbfc4iqmbad.onion

If you already have a keyserver … line there, replace it.

Onion source. Should work on MacOS & Linux alike.


Keybase talks about their usage of Tor in more detail on this page, but here’s a tl;dr:


Tor hidden address is used by the CLI internally by default.

Enabling CLI’s communication with non-keybase services via Tor can be done with either:

keybase config set tor.mode leaky
keybase config set tor.mode strict

Note: both modes are fairly broken as of 2019-08-23 & v4.3.2


You can visit Keybase through their hidden service at:



You can proxy all desktop client traffic through Tor by setting PROXY to SOCKS5,, and 9050 in Keybase -> Settings -> Advanced.

Honorable Mentions

These services are known for using Tor either extensively, or exclusively:


A Chiang Mai-based Lightning Network oriented developer community. Here’s some of our onions:


Websites related to LNCM

clearnet/name onion address
LNCM.io (@nolim1t TorV2 Mirror) http://lncm5rjtcacoc6yf.onion/

⛓ Bitcoin nodes

type addresses
mainnet keh2i6kkjs7tqahpv7jgj6ifb3r7sdnge4ickqghnyedhp3jjwu7mlad.onion:8333 (nolim1t)
34qk27n4it7pdkqmld5sbmxwolmietclcc6d35mz6cmskxm7mo4ykzid.onion:8333 (nolim1t)
c6la3ojmnerkf57e.onion:8333 (nolim1t)
testnet lncmdmfl674xg3oa.onion:18333
regtest N/A at the moment

⚡️ Lightning nodes

type connection string
mainnet 02e64be984a252d82d71a84f0f2bb8be375207a0862e827dacb290977eca84078f@2qtnbs2vwsmhdalmyd5ftmxp6w6clepaawyys6ndmneb6g2qxn7bkpad.onion:9735
mainnet 03f1b1b79212e5918177f357e8db1eb60f163d7140bcd818444e2dae75884dd3e0@2u4i4ofm4owow576qeii3s5qz3r7z272obaeyzouehkdyr4oy54wkpad.onion:9736
mainnet 02d22dd92ceefe7a23fdd59f62278813aef9276f1a3c2e82a7e0329b0f732e9e06@r2j6jijh3hpffje4vshg2vo3il2fd5ulupmb7u74douezuq2yrj3kvyd.onion:9735
testnet 03be84a5493470812e4d486513d082c3063841531f3938a8d3646327a332a2c477@roq7ltvhifbccl54xivrihs32ibw2pdhihac6v2orx3bosapl447k3qd.onion:9735 (decommissioned temporarily)
testnet 02e888295220a5254a5f0486538dc77c0357ee9727db2e9173e6a76646d4aa332e@hxz6xeqvmi5s6rbqqtgu4qkihgdkwbnc7h2vnsn3qkahhffau6afbsyd.onion:9733 (Seems to be down)
regtest N/A at the moment

⚡️ Altruistic Watchtowers

type connection string
mainnet 03a5fbe0399de22562e6b470ac65f73ec50b45115935f2be1e89a884e5dfa3c6d8@nwehukwznotaxcpagoycd6t6eipyrvnnq245ehenxzl5g7maq5f2qaqd.onion:9911

Install Tor

The easiest ways to install Tor I’ve found so far.


brew update && brew install tor && brew service start tor && tor --version

Note: torrc is located in /usr/local/etc/tor/torrc by default.


That includes Raspbian on the more capable RBPs (not zero).

sudo apt update && sudo apt install tor && sudo service tor@default restart && tor --version

Note: torrc is located in /etc/tor/torrc by default.


clearnet/name onion address
bitvps bitvpsj2ojxo7faned27wmpqiss3pny7m7bptwtnegl7fswjrxwtmxid.onion

Interesting Topics

clearnet/name onion address  
dark.fail darkfailllnkf4vf.onion  
dark.fail darkfailllnkf4vf.onion  
Dreddit dreadytofatroptsdj6io7l3xptbet6onoyno2yv7jicoxknyazubrad.onion  
DarkTea (Git Repos) it7otdanqu7ktntxzm427cba6i53w6wlanlh23v5i3siqmos47pzhvyd.onion  
Psychonaut Wiki vvedndyt433kopnhv6vejxnut54y5752vpxshjaqmj7ftwiu6quiv2ad.onion  
Hidden WIki hiddenwiki7wiyzr.onion  
+ Hidden Wiki hiddenwiki7wiyzr.onion/


Here are other .onions you can use which don’t fall into any of the above categories

Who am I?

I write codes, work on projects when inspiration strikes or when the opportunity happens, I am passionate about usability / user interaction (UX), I love new technology and trends (right now blockchain and Cannabis is hot), I enjoy being homeless, and I blog (ocassionally, but try to be regular)