
Thoughts become things

New year, New Things!

Well, well well - it’s been a long time since the last update.

A lot of things has happened in the last 3 months.

  • First things first, Christmas again in Hong Kong (love it).
  • Followed by New Years Eve in Korea
  • Then back to Taiwan in the beginning of the year for a little to get some business sorted out
  • Then powering on to HK for startup weekend, and startmeupfestival.
  • As a result of a very successful startup weekend, a Vaultarch was born. A secure platform for detecting counterfeits through imaging. We’ve pivoted a few times due to demand, but I think we are settling down in the area where we are doing provenance.

As a result of winning startup weekend

  • Launch IoT (although I could have gotten a free ticket anyway). Lots of good connections including meeting a friend of a friend coming from Malaysia (will visit next week). And another travelpreneur friend of mine from Korea (also going to catch up soon - so far with met in 3 different cities!).
  • Meeting some more ppl at startup weekend

Chinese New Year

  • Chinese New Year for the first time in Hong Kong was a blast. Met a TON of connections from Hong Kong and abroad. This is going to make it hard to leave soon.
  • A nice short break too, and got to experience the local culture

As a result of winning startup weekend

  • Being pitched many ideas (thanks to startupweekend)
  • Work Work Work on making the startup weekend project a reality. And ended up staying in Hong Kong longer than anticipated (missed out on this years Sydney Mardi Gras, and SXSW 2016). Always next year though I hope.

Other stuff

  • Friend of Friend development leads are starting to pay off with referrals.
  • Kicked off startup weekend in Shenzhen
  • Passive income for some past projects trickling in (after some big projects funding dried up)
  • Converting my bitcoin exchange API bindings to ruby gems
  • Amazon Lambda and OpenCV
  • Amazon Lambda in general (and trying to focus on static sites with javascript microservices)

And now for the latest project

Which I might add, should interest nomads - Where was I in the last 90 days

Sounds good? It’s sure a rollercoaster - just like the prices of bitcoin.


  • Kicking off another passive income project in Taipei soon. This will hopefully match the same income I’ve had. Only that I don’t have to do much but actually focus on new stuff.
  • Funnelling funds into my current startup (and other startups)
  • RISE
  • Hopefully a new Hong Kong visa in the future (It’s been an awesome 1 1/2 years. I feel like I need to stay for more)

Messing Around




Username: barryt

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